Hanukkah Musings.....
My Grandmother Ann.....
And Opera Drawings I have Done
and below
SHABBAT ON FRIDAY NIGHT with Angels, mermaids and bowl of fruit...

and so my long labyrinthian Jewish Journey found its home.My search...the tendrils of mystical time.... and my unbidden relationship to myunknown grandmother Ann came through as I perused my archive of Opera Drawingsdone over the years............and now in these present moments Celebrating Shabbat Gloriouslydone over the years.
"They look like Candy" a Rabbi remarked
and then this year I turned as well to the archive of my Opera Drawings
remembering how my late mother said:
"We didn't have religion! We had Opera!"
Somehow this year I realized all the more how central Opera was to my late
grandmother and my mother...so I turn to recall and look...
Here are some of my favorites including my Opera reflections often drawn with my wise cats
nearby who purr and say
"We are not just Cute Cuddly Creatures! We love Opera Too
and Feel its Emotions Deeply!"
The Upper Realms of Opera
La Boehme
La Fortse Del Destina
in the land of memories...recalling how my mother laid on the couch listening
to the Saturday Afternoon Opera..lost in her emotions of going to the Opera in
Vienna long ago with her parents...and feeling the emotions of the Opera
all over again
Another emotional musing on my mother listening
to the Opera,,,
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