Monday, January 27, 2025

Dealing with Tough Times: Becoming a Mountain Goat


Metaphor of the Mountain Goat

                     This late afternoon as I swam in the pool and watched the light fade I thought back
six years to precisely this time of day when my life was so very different.

As the light faded and the wind picked up I would arrive at Cardio Renal at Hennepin Healthcare to attend to my late husband Josh and see what the day's needs were. I tried to arrive in time for supper. Even if it was just a tray of mediocre food perched on a small table at the end of his bed. Sometimes I would go for a treat down to the cafeteria.

               There he was in that existential hospital time with tubes hooked up and various machines beeping. We talked. Sometimes argued. He was often exhausted. It was all uncertain. Questions gathered around and filled the room and clogged the doorway. What next?

               Death was all too evident and a somewhat distant at that time...but its shadowy prescense filled the room as well.

              I drew him stretched out on the bed. All seven feet of him. 
The Yellow gladiolas I brought him and those who came to our side.

              So it went on day to day....until one day I had a creative inspiration that carried me through the weeks ahead. As I turned onto  Hwy 55 going north through the ice and snow I thought to myself. " Why I am a Mountain Goat!" I can manage these difficult situations Just Fine. I can even hang upside down!"

And thus I found a Creative Emotional Template that I drew through for the next six weeks.

This time taught me that I could come Close to Difficulties and instead of backing away embrace them with an image that gave me clarity, compassion and Humor.
Here are excerpts from that 65 drawing series:
             I allowed the Plucky Mountain Goat to guide me and help me navigate difficult  Territory

   Josh died April 10th 2019 and I drew through my years of Grief. 

    But the wisdom of the Mountain Goat comes to me now in these difficult Political Times.
I know I can come Close to what is hard and draw it. With gratitude I perceive that the hardest
times often hold the most insight and silver linings.

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