Come, come whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper
lover of leaving. It doesn't matter
ours is Not a caravan of despair
Come, even if you have broken
your vows a thousand times...
Come yet again,
Come Come
-Jeladin Rumi
Come, come whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper
lover of leaving. It doesn't matter
ours is Not a caravan of despair
Come, even if you have broken
your vows a thousand times...
Come yet again,
Come Come
-Jeladin Rumi
For Today
Inauguration Day January 20, 2025
Drawing in the lowly places:
Listening and Drawing people and Visiting Hennepin Healthcare again
As the new year drew nigh I rummaged through
a book shelf and an old favorite book appeared.
WORKING by Studs Terkel
"People Talk About What They Do All Day
and How They Feel About What They Do"
I read this book deeply years ago after it came out in 1972. Some books are eternal and speak to us beyond the perigrinations of the Internet and the fast age of texting, Instagram, Tik Tok and emails.
This deeply human book is about what people do all day. Work. I resonate deeply to Studs Terkels
very receptive work of listening to what people have to say about their lives and work. I resonate to his work and am grateful I had opportunities to dwell in the lowly places and draw those not seen.
With few words I let my drawings stand for themselves.
Here are the four Hennepin Healthcare workers at the front desk in the lobby of
the Specialty Clinic on Friday January 10th, 2025
Hanukkah Musings.....