Monday, February 10, 2025

Meditation in Tough TImes

   Come, come whoever you are.

Wanderer, worshipper

lover of leaving. It doesn't matter

ours is Not a caravan of despair

Come, even if you have broken

your vows a thousand times...

Come yet again,

Come              Come

-Jeladin Rumi

Several Times a Week I tune into the Institute for Jewish Studies Meditation Room
It is always rich and inward.  Full of Jewish text and guidance.
Full of insights from many wise and insightful rabbis.
Always it is nourishing and always 
I draw and document some inner aspect of it.

Come! Come! Wherever you are!
This was for the parsha text called BO from about two weeks ago.
Bo means Come!!
All the more meaningful!

The Peddler: Honoring my Great Grandfather Isaac Marion

The Peddler: Honoring my Great Grandfather Isaac Marion

Once upon a time a long time ago...before my memory was formed

Before I was ancestor Isaac Marion was a peddler
who sold Seltzer Water in the town of Cimplulong Moldesvec
in Northern Romania.

Once upon a time a long time ago I started my inner search 
to connect to my Jewish ancestors 
ignited by the mystical sparks I felt 
as I taught in the Jewish Day School
in St Paul Minnesota.

Guided by my dreams and inner ruminations I was able
to flounder and find my way.

A 1998 trip to Romania including a visit to 
Cimpulong Moldesvec illuminated my search

But it would be 5 more years until I made 
my way to the mikvah under the guidance 
of Rabbi Allen...

 so now in this present moment
 I am 72 years old.

Sipping seltzer water as I write.
Here I am peddling my wares.

My cards, my Romance Zine
my prints, my paintings.

This week it has been small
meaningful endeavors. 
I put my Romance Zine out into the world
in two shops to Nokomis Gallery by Lake Nokomis
and The Art Shoppe at Global Market on Lake Street.
Just in time for Valentines Day!

I have larger ideas and larger works
but these humble attempts 
somehow connect me to my great grandfather Isaac
the peddler of seltzer water.
I realize my DNA is to be a peddler
of my wares and is who I am.

A peddler watches and tries to peddle their wares
wherever they can. 
It's hard work...but they keep pushing 
their wagon of ware along
Here is the inner work of my imagination, Soul and Heart!
Please buy my creative wares!!
It takes Courage! and Chutzpah! and Charm!
My Homemade Romance Zine Displays!!!


Monday, January 27, 2025

Dealing with Tough Times: Becoming a Mountain Goat


Metaphor of the Mountain Goat

                     This late afternoon as I swam in the pool and watched the light fade I thought back
six years to precisely this time of day when my life was so very different.

As the light faded and the wind picked up I would arrive at Cardio Renal at Hennepin Healthcare to attend to my late husband Josh and see what the day's needs were. I tried to arrive in time for supper. Even if it was just a tray of mediocre food perched on a small table at the end of his bed. Sometimes I would go for a treat down to the cafeteria.

               There he was in that existential hospital time with tubes hooked up and various machines beeping. We talked. Sometimes argued. He was often exhausted. It was all uncertain. Questions gathered around and filled the room and clogged the doorway. What next?

               Death was all too evident and a somewhat distant at that time...but its shadowy prescense filled the room as well.

              I drew him stretched out on the bed. All seven feet of him. 
The Yellow gladiolas I brought him and those who came to our side.

              So it went on day to day....until one day I had a creative inspiration that carried me through the weeks ahead. As I turned onto  Hwy 55 going north through the ice and snow I thought to myself. " Why I am a Mountain Goat!" I can manage these difficult situations Just Fine. I can even hang upside down!"

And thus I found a Creative Emotional Template that I drew through for the next six weeks.

This time taught me that I could come Close to Difficulties and instead of backing away embrace them with an image that gave me clarity, compassion and Humor.
Here are excerpts from that 65 drawing series:
             I allowed the Plucky Mountain Goat to guide me and help me navigate difficult  Territory

   Josh died April 10th 2019 and I drew through my years of Grief. 

    But the wisdom of the Mountain Goat comes to me now in these difficult Political Times.
I know I can come Close to what is hard and draw it. With gratitude I perceive that the hardest
times often hold the most insight and silver linings.

Monday, January 20, 2025

My late mother's Courage and Immigration Court

 For Today

Inauguration Day January 20, 2025

I turn to face my late mother Emily's courage as she did not salute at a
rally in Berlin in the 1930's when everyone was raising their hand
"Heil Hitler" Her status with her father in American diplomatic circles
gave her immunity. Nonetheless her Courage shines through.
Later she became a Conscientious Objector.
I turn to face my late mother Emily's Courage at these difficult times.

Months and Years later I am asked to draw in Immigration Court.
Amid all the complexity I turn to The Statue of Liberty and pray
her words remain for these struggling immigrants trying to make their way.
   "Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe,
free the wretched refuse 
of your teeming shores
send these, the Homeless 
tempest tossed to me.
I raise my Lamp beside the Golden Door"

Drawing in the Lowly Places


Drawing in the lowly places:

Listening and Drawing people and Visiting Hennepin Healthcare again

Honoring Tracey who works as a check out clerk at Cub Foods.

For the blessed memory of Studs Terkel who listened to working people.

 As the new year drew nigh I rummaged through 

a book shelf and an old favorite book appeared. 

WORKING by Studs Terkel  

"People Talk About What They Do All Day 

and How They Feel About What They Do"

    I read this book deeply years ago after it came out in 1972. Some books are eternal and speak to us beyond the perigrinations of the Internet and the fast age of texting, Instagram, Tik Tok and emails.

       This deeply human book is about what people do all day. Work. I resonate deeply to Studs Terkels

very receptive work of listening to what people have to say about their lives and work. I resonate to his work and am grateful I had opportunities to dwell in the lowly places and draw those not seen.

With few words I let my drawings stand for themselves.

Here are the four Hennepin Healthcare workers at the front desk in the lobby of

the Specialty Clinic on Friday January 10th, 2025




Sunday, January 5, 2025

Opera Musings on the Eighth Night of Hanukkah January 1st, 2025

                                                    Hanukkah Musings.....

  My Grandmother Ann.....
                                                   And Opera Drawings I have Done 

January 5th, 2025      

  7th Night of Hanukkah 2025 ...candles grandmothers portrait nearby.
and below
SHABBAT ON FRIDAY NIGHT  with Angels, mermaids and bowl of fruit...


I have so many Cheerful Happy Colorful Paintings of Hanukkah
"They look like Candy" a Rabbi remarked
and then this year I turned as well to the archive of my Opera Drawings
remembering how my late mother said:
"We didn't have religion! We had Opera!" 
Somehow this year I realized all the more how central Opera was to my late 
grandmother and my I turn to recall and look...
Here are some of my favorites including my Opera reflections often drawn with my wise cats 
nearby who purr and say
"We are not just Cute Cuddly Creatures! We love Opera Too 
and Feel its Emotions Deeply!"

The Upper Realms of Opera

La Boehme
La Fortse Del Destina
Madame Butterfly

The Merry Widow
Don Giovanni

The Magic Flute

Rigoletto by Verdi

in the land of memories...recalling how my mother laid on the couch listening
to the Saturday Afternoon Opera..lost in her emotions of going to the Opera in 
Vienna long ago with her parents...and feeling the emotions of the Opera
all over again

Another emotional musing on my mother listening
to the Opera,,,

My feelings as I listen to the Opera and feel my mother's prescense...