Saturday evening December 28, 2024
Honoring Emma who brought you two Hot Sandwiches
Helpless time says with compassion:
"You haven't eaten for about twelve hours.."
Musings On Time:
It is comforting to make a list of Things to Do and by day's end have checked off most of them.And the predictability of a schedule whether a job or personal projects to get done is a great thing.
But then there are the times when Regular Time is upended and we find outselves without a guide or chart as we enter uncharted Territory.
................Hospital Time..................suddenly my late husband and I found outselves adrift in Hospital Time....he was being pushed down long hallways and me following behind..until we were "settled" into a hospital room.....regular time left the moment we crossed the thresh hold and Josh laid there...tubes in place...I had only my sketchbook, pen, and paints and so there were on the lonely desert island of timeless hospital time...Regular Time rolled over and laughed.... a Schedule? things to do? All Gone....there we were in Endless time....these are the drawings I did to mark that time.


But as focused in as I was on our experience...our questions...and
our uncertainties.... despite the challenges I was able to turn my gaze upon
those who came to our side with such compassion and helped us every step of the way.
The Kindly Ambulance Driver Tibetan Cafeteria Workers
Oh so helpful Kristin who brought Josh lunch. Competent Dr Korkas
Qumar our nurse. Very late at night...Dr Casey Stessman.
Dr Lo comes in and asks careful, thoughtful questions.
Meliss. PA- C Empathy
Josh's heart beating. Our ultrasound team.
We tell Dr RH. Amy "Yes, We Are Old Hippies."
So dear reader....these are just some of my musings and drawings
that drifted up from the tides of I look back on a
timeless time of caring for my late husband Josh...
and how time drifted and became formless but also
more meaningful and urgent than our everyday life..
This is enough for now.
I will Draw up from the Well of Insight again and share more soon.
and always keeping in mind thatd
Drawing in the Lowly Places was where the Blessings flowed down.
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