Monday, December 30, 2024
One tiny bottle of Courage
Sunday, December 29, 2024
I Keep Lighting Candles 5th night of Hanukkah
Musings on an Inner Spiritual Journey
5th Night of Hanukkah December 29, 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Musings On Time:
It is comforting to make a list of Things to Do and by day's end have checked off most of them.And the predictability of a schedule whether a job or personal projects to get done is a great thing.
But then there are the times when Regular Time is upended and we find outselves without a guide or chart as we enter uncharted Territory.
................Hospital Time..................suddenly my late husband and I found outselves adrift in Hospital Time....he was being pushed down long hallways and me following behind..until we were "settled" into a hospital room.....regular time left the moment we crossed the thresh hold and Josh laid there...tubes in place...I had only my sketchbook, pen, and paints and so there were on the lonely desert island of timeless hospital time...Regular Time rolled over and laughed.... a Schedule? things to do? All Gone....there we were in Endless time....these are the drawings I did to mark that time.
Josh's heart beating. Our ultrasound team.
I Steady my Steps Musings on Being a Mountain Goat
One of Three Musings on the present Moment and the Nature of Time, Memory and Holidays.
I Steady my steps as I walk into twilight along the lake edge. Deepening dusk holds me as people sit hunched over their ice holes sitting on a bucket on the lake. Waiting. It is a patient kind of time.
I steady my step and memory rises up....suddenly I am back in the holy corridors of Hennepin Healthcare six years ago traversing difficult unknown medical territory. Suddenly it all comes back and I recall how the image of the Mountain Goat rose up one icy morning as I turned onto Highway 55 as it snowed and I was on my way to see Josh in Cardio Renal. Once again. Even as I gripped the steering wheel the image of the Mountain Goat rose up. I thought to myself! I can do this.
I am a Mountain Goat.
My feet are secure and will not lose their grip.
No matter how tough it gets, I can even hang upside down.
And survive.
And so once again I drew my way through for the next 6 weeks. Allowing the image of the Mountain Goat to be each appointment, each difficulty, each joy and each challenge. This is my personal testimony to how art can take our hand and guide us through challenging terrain.
For you the Reader here is a Selection of 6 drawings from the over 65 drawings I did. Here is how I navigated the Holy Corridors of Hennepin Healthcare and How Art helped me care for my beloved late husband Josh. Now of blessed memory
Monday, December 2, 2024
Blessings of the Lowly Places: Everyone has their Story
How absent minded of me!!
He got me two good tires for a real good price