Monday, February 10, 2025

Meditation in Tough TImes

   Come, come whoever you are.

Wanderer, worshipper

lover of leaving. It doesn't matter

ours is Not a caravan of despair

Come, even if you have broken

your vows a thousand times...

Come yet again,

Come              Come

-Jeladin Rumi

Several Times a Week I tune into the Institute for Jewish Studies Meditation Room
It is always rich and inward.  Full of Jewish text and guidance.
Full of insights from many wise and insightful rabbis.
Always it is nourishing and always 
I draw and document some inner aspect of it.

Come! Come! Wherever you are!
This was for the parsha text called BO from about two weeks ago.
Bo means Come!!
All the more meaningful!

The Peddler: Honoring my Great Grandfather Isaac Marion

The Peddler: Honoring my Great Grandfather Isaac Marion

Once upon a time a long time ago...before my memory was formed

Before I was ancestor Isaac Marion was a peddler
who sold Seltzer Water in the town of Cimplulong Moldesvec
in Northern Romania.

Once upon a time a long time ago I started my inner search 
to connect to my Jewish ancestors 
ignited by the mystical sparks I felt 
as I taught in the Jewish Day School
in St Paul Minnesota.

Guided by my dreams and inner ruminations I was able
to flounder and find my way.

A 1998 trip to Romania including a visit to 
Cimpulong Moldesvec illuminated my search

But it would be 5 more years until I made 
my way to the mikvah under the guidance 
of Rabbi Allen...

 so now in this present moment
 I am 72 years old.

Sipping seltzer water as I write.
Here I am peddling my wares.

My cards, my Romance Zine
my prints, my paintings.

This week it has been small
meaningful endeavors. 
I put my Romance Zine out into the world
in two shops to Nokomis Gallery by Lake Nokomis
and The Art Shoppe at Global Market on Lake Street.
Just in time for Valentines Day!

I have larger ideas and larger works
but these humble attempts 
somehow connect me to my great grandfather Isaac
the peddler of seltzer water.
I realize my DNA is to be a peddler
of my wares and is who I am.

A peddler watches and tries to peddle their wares
wherever they can. 
It's hard work...but they keep pushing 
their wagon of ware along
Here is the inner work of my imagination, Soul and Heart!
Please buy my creative wares!!
It takes Courage! and Chutzpah! and Charm!
My Homemade Romance Zine Displays!!!